Wednesday 5 August 2009

Moons and rabbits and mice oh my!

So it's a big old lunar eclipse this evening. Which helps explain why I'm feeling mad as a March hare!

'The energies of the August 5/6 lunar eclipse are here now. This powerful energetic opening has been felt with increasing intensity in recent weeks. The third in a triad of summer eclipses, this cosmic doorway carries signatures for emotional sensitivity, spiritual knowing, psychic openings and the recognition of latent creative and artistic abilities.'

Emotional sensitivity - check (if you count getting weepy at pictures of other women with babies)

Spiritual knowing - ha - I wish! I suffer from perpetual divine discontent and deep envy of those who worship merrily at church.

Psychic openings - well my familiar has left me SIX decaying mice during this tropical heatwave - so that may some message I am yet to decode?

Recognition of latent creative and artistic abilities - hmmm. maybe. I certainly hope so! It has actually dawned on me that it's all very well changing jobs and countries and homes and various other circumstances (including alcohol consumption), but perhaps I should stop zipping from a to b and back again, and concentrate more on how I spend my time, not with whom or where. I have been encouraged to write since I was a little girl (thanks mum) but have always found some excuse or the other not to engage. Namely that I am a lazy procrastinating flibbertygibbet - who would rather read 5 books then write 5 sentences, which is what I have been doing for my life to date. I was always too busy living to actually bother with the business of recording the happenings. But as I have cut out item after item of my life, I have created the time and space where without writing, I am actually horribly bored. There is nothing for it. I am writing my first story.

I have learnt fabulous fairy stories from Stephanie Meyer of Twilight fame. She went from actually dreaming the story, to writing the story, to finding an agent in six months time? JK Rowling was a single mum scribbling in Edinburgh coffee houses and a lovely friend of mine from Leeds Uni is now published!?!

Enough of procrastination. Enough of wondering what genre? How long? Which characters? Who'll read it? Who'll like it? Enough of reading just one more book, watching one more movie.

The weather is helping with my glorious declarations as the heavens have opened and the rain is tearing down my window panes and rooftop.

I leave you with a quote from F Scott Fitzgerald:
'This is part of the beauty of all literature.
You discover that your longings are universal longings,
That you're not lonely and isolated from anyone.
You belong.'


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