Tuesday 9 November 2010

Mills & Boon meets Hustler

Hello lovely people out there on the interwebs,

Hope you are all fairing most well.

Quote of the day, courtesy of the lovely Ms Kan is 'Thou shalt not know exactly what thou dost, but thou shalt do it' which sounds like a mash up of the Bard and Gandhi so I approve mightily. It also cleverly encapsulates my life at the moment. I'm not in some high powered job, in my fancy flat, with my snazzy car and designer shoes but I really couldn't be happier.

Tomorrow, if you were to peak in at Waterstones in Shrewsbury you would see me there, as the newest bookseller, asking folks to 'Key in your pin number love' which wasn't a possibility when I left for Asian shores in 2002. The technology! And I have Mills & Boon meets Hustler fantasies of meeting a man who reads books in the Shire and possibly plays an instrument who may come seeking a book, and our eyes shall meet over a graphic novel... and well... you can imagine the rest. There'll be coffee and grimy bedsits and vast quantities of mulled wine to cope with the 4 degree temperatures we are blessed with in this green and pleasant land.

Writing a book while working in Waterstones just seemed to fit, especially a ye olde Waterstones with a tudor exterior and wiggly shaped rooms. I'm approaching the 15.000 word mark and smug as a bug in a rug. This must show as I was just carded in ASDA. Les, the check out man, deliciously asked for ID, I played along with the joke and laughed, he poker faced me and I gleefully presented my HK ID. He was befuddled. In my dream world, I shall befuddle at least one person a day.

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

I'll let you know about the world of the bookseller soon.

Sleep well. Dream of things that make you curl and stretch.



    You ARE on the right Path !!!!

  2. Wow. Thank you Johannes. That means a lot! Particularly coming from a wordsmith such as your fine self x

  3. lady, you rock. keep it up. and WELL DONE ON THE SPECTACULAR WORDSMITHERY!!! :-) xxx
