Friday 3 July 2009

Jiminy Cricket: Now you see the world is full of temptations

Hello and welcome to the chronicles of a girl beginning to explore Hong Kong as a sober person. This is the road less travelled. A fairly quiet road, with not so many dramatic stories on a Wednesday morning at work, having not slept the night before, nor found their own bed, but a road that I am mooching along at this time. It is leading to a lot more clarity, many more insights - and hopefully the ability to act on them rather than drink another bottle of wine and purportedly deal with it in the morrow!

I have given up alcohol many times during the seven years I have lived in Hong Kong. The first was after my very first Chinese New Year here, when I fell into a plot akin to Fear and Loathing in Soho (or Drop, Homebase, Escapades and Propaganda - more of that to come). I needed The Priory, but seeing as Thailand was just a hop, skip and a jump away, off I went to the Sanctuary, for full body cleansing. I returned glowing and joyous and gleefully ran to the nearest 7-Eleven to tox up with my friends. This process went on loop for a time, til I decided a better idea was to live on a desert island, just outside Hong Kong, where I would be pure and white as the driven snow. Haha! As anyone who has visited Lamma after dark knows... that is not the natural progression. Lamma by day is a land of seafood restaurants and beach accessories, Lamma by night is more Pleasure Island in Pinocchio but without the cherubic cartoonery.

Which in a wonderfully brief fashion leads us to here. I was hoping to find religion, as then I could have a clear set of dos and don'ts and still imbibe merrily on church wines... but in lieu of such salvation, sobriety seems to be the next step, as I struggle with saying no at the best of times. So in the great words of Jiminy Cricket - 'And always let your conscience be your guide!'

I would appear to have a malevolent cicada, rather than sprightly grasshopper on my back however... as my first substantial sober act is to....

Sign up for an eight week Bootcamp, that starts at 7am every Sunday morning...

I shall be offering hilarious photographs and more information as the process develops (thanks for great idea Toko - and great encouragement other folks!)

Til the morrow


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