Monday 20 July 2009

Merging with the one - Ram Dass

Sorry to begin with spiritual hocus pocus (which I do love but know upsets a number of folks) - but I am feeling particularly full of joy and found this in a magazine:

''Your ego has all these wants. Your soul only has one want. It wants to get to merge with the Lover. Merge with the One."

Of course, I was pondering this, thinking, yes, 'the one' would be nice to meet 'a one' but in the meanwhile, I am loving spending time with me and some great people. Bootcamp was lovely last Sunday, probably due to the fact I woke up half an hour into it - and only had an hour left when I arrived? I had slept through the first tropical typhoon of the year? Sleeping like a baby. I will have not touched a drop of grog in a month tomorrow? And I am loving it! Strange but true. After bootcamp, I didn't actually need a nap this time, so pottered around the house and went down to the Bookworm for some yummy salad type fare. All the booths were taken, except Little Miss Ultramarathon was sitting in one, so I asked if she minded if I joined. We spent the next two hours having a lovely conversation. She shared my loathing of the wheelbarrow, saying she couldn't do it without her back screaming out and dipping. She then shared that she'd had to sleep for four hours after the first bootcamp. So she's not so dissimilar to me. Well, clearly she still had abs of steel and the ability to run or cycle or swim for maybe ten times as long as me, but still. Common ground found.

The rest of the day was spent reading the entire Sunday Morning Post, a first, as I usually get distracted and enjoying a herbal cigarette... except this herbal cigarette was a bit of a shock to the system. Last month it would have barely touched the sides, but yesterday? Woah. I felt most peculiar and had to go lie down at 11pm....

I awoke this morning at 11am? Having previously spoonfed chunky peanut butter into my face and having peculiar dreams with werewolves and vampires... I shan't share the particulars here :) I sloooped out of bed and met a friend for brunch, then off to Hung Shing Yeh beach for a glorious sunbathe and swim.

The walk over there was redolent with gingerlilies growing alongside the walkways, a jewelled spider twinkled in the sunlight, the sky a blue concoction of turquoises, persians and greys. Blissful. The water was cool and the waves crashed over my body shining in the sunkissed water.

I return now to the Ram Dass article:

"He wasnt just mouthing platitudes; after a lifetime of physical and intellectual vigor, Ram Dass suffered a stroke that left him in a wheelchair and slow of speech. People continued to attend his lectures not to admire glibness or agility but because Ram Dass actually seemed to know what 'merging with the One' felt like. He knew that this mystical sounding process is simply what the soul - or true self, if you prefer - does when we stop interfering."

My father has not been able to talk, other than in a few words here and there since November 2001. But he is so joy filled. I like to think it's because he is finally merging with the One. Moments like today on the beach give me some insight as to where he might be in his head, and it makes me very happy to think I can join him in that same happiness too.

OK. Enough of that. Off to do a bit more yoga, then watch So You Think You Can Dance with my gay family in Central. I shall take some cocktail ingredients and just skip the vodka in mine. Feeling this good is not to be messed with.

Big love


1 comment:

  1. I doubt whether too many people who read your blog are that closed minded to be upset by Spiritual hocus pocus....give em more

    Ram Dass said (roughly speaking) he realized that all the years of therapy, LSD and meditation in an ashram did not get rid of his ego or his issues as such...for example sexual perversion he would see it appear within himself, but the difference being in later years would be his response "hello sexual perversion, welcome.. come on in and have a cup of tea"
