Wednesday 22 July 2009

Just because everything's changing, doesn't mean it's never been this way before

Am feeling most musical and melancholy and wistful, as I said farewell to another friend this evening. Hannah and I sat by Deep Water Bay at Copacabanas, shared the sunset and bid our adieus. We had been friends for 4 years in Hong Kong. I had bumped into her randomly outside Cru on Stauntons and said, 'Erm, excuse me, are you Dan's sister, from Leeds?' I was fairly positive it was her. Seeing as there aren't many six foot amazonians in the Hong Kong populace. I used to hang out with her older brother when 'studying' at Leeds Uni. My best friend, Fiona, used to go out with Nick, who used to live with Dan... and Dan's little sister used to live there. She was a proper grown up. She would go to work when us kids were still going in the lounge. I remember staring up as she loomed down the stairs in all her statuesqueness, dressed for work, as we were dribbling messes on the floor (the hot mess was yet to be invented). That was about as much communication as we'd had until that evening in Soho when we met again. Since then. She has been an amazing friend. An exceptional hostess. And a sea of calm and stability against the rougher seas Hong Kong has had to offer. Next Monday she flies to a new life in Europe where she may graze with creatures who reach as lofty heights as herself, who understand dinner parties don't stop when Soho starts rocking and where she will be expecting a visit from me... as soon as I can afford the bus fare.

The night before had been sober - and involved pilates, which kicked my ass so hard I am almost limping today - there were 8 people in the class this week, as opposed to last week's 2 - so my rolling around on the ball like an uncoordinated teletubbie had to exhibit more control.. dammit - owch!

The night before, after a great yoga class, had seen me off to see my gay family in Central. The boys I lived with for my first three years in Hong Kong, at the farcically apt named 'Escapades' on Elgin Street. If you don't believe me, and live around, check the building name above McSorleys. Of course we retitled it 'Sexcapades' and one day, I shall write the memoir... I digress.... Following the last blog posting, I arrived in somewhat of a blissful state, all exercised and one merging, with my bag of mint and limes and cans of soda to make some virgin cocktails. I thought I was high enough on life. How foolish was I? And with an eclipse just around the corner? The boys announce they have something to show me. And play me the new video of James Morrison and Nelly Furtado - Broken Strings. It is exquisite and I feel emotional as the orchestra soars in the background. They announce they have something else to show me. Cartier tricolour gold and Lithuanian Silver. They got engaged last night. After being together for 8 years. I was the first one to be told. My family.

Blub. Sniffle. Joy. Happiness.

Bubbles for everyone!!!!

Well... two glasses never hurt anyone.

Chin chin

Love love


PS. Nice eclipse... in my house of fun... which relates to sports and play and sex. Meow!

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